Maximum Performance

N89ZZ is powered by a Lycoming Thunderbolt IO-390 fuel injected engine rated at 210 HP. Thunderbolt engines are Lycoming’s custom line of high-performance factory-built engines; they receive a balanced crankshaft and reciprocating assembly, as well as ported cylinder heads. The exhaust system is an all-stainless steel Vetterman 4-into-2 tuned exhaust with a crossover configuration.

Mated to a Hartzell C2YR 74” two-blade constant speed propeller, the plane will climb at 1,600 feet per minute and cruise at more than 170 KIAS.


The Lycoming Thunderbolt engine is mounted to the aircraft frame using the stock steel Dynafocal engine frame and upgraded Lord J-9613-40 engine mounts. To ease maintenance, the engine is fitted with a B&C right angle BC700H oil filter adapter. The starter is a Sky-Tec model 149-12XLT. All firewall forward fluid lines utilize upgraded conductive Teflon hoses with stainless steel fittings and integral Milspec fire sleeve from Aircraft Specialty. Wire and hoses that run near exhaust pipes are also protected with fire sleeve and additional heat shields. The oil sump is fitted with a Magnetic Super Plug from AntisplatAero to capture any metallic particles that might end up in the oil.


The plane is equipped with two separate power buses, each equipped with an appropriately sized B&C alternator (60 amp and 20-30 amp, respectively) and a dedicated ETX900 Lithium Battery. Additionally, the G5 Back Up EFIS is equipped with a dedicated battery with four hours of reserve power capacity.

The primary bus is controlled and protected by a Vertical Power X-Pro (VPX) Electrical Breaker System, which also consolidates control inputs, and manages trim scheduling for the roll and elevator AP servos and trim servos as well as the flaps. The auxiliary bus is managed through traditional electronic circuit breakers. Airframe wiring was provided by SteinAir.


Ignition is provided by dual P-Mag Series 114 electronic ignition systems. The P-Mags utilize an internal control board to provide variable spark timing which can improve fuel consumption efficiency from 10% to 15%. Each P-Mag is equipped with a built-in permanent magnet alternator which is capable of self-powering the unit when the engine is operating at greater than 800 RPM.


The stainless-steel firewall was overlayed with a 1/16” layer of Unifrax 970F ceramic insulation (rated to 2300°F) and covered with 0.002” thick stainless-steel foil to enhance fire resistance and reduce unwanted heat transfer into the cabin. All firewall penetrations were sealed using 3M Fire Barrier 2000+.